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Urban Raptor Conservancy is a charitable organization in Washington State and a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. Donations are tax-deductible according to the law and are confidential. 

Urban Raptor Conservancy
EIN 30-1044016

To donate by check, please send to: Urban Raptor Conservancy,
9251 39th Ave. S., Seattle, WA 98118

Support URC

Please consider becoming a partner in our work. Your contributions support our Rodenticides in Raptors study, long-term monitoring studies, raptor ID bands, field work, newsletters and publications, and much more.

To donate online, please complete the form below. (Please note that we are unable to accept debit only cards.)

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By sharing your email address, URC will send you an update two or three times a year on urban raptor news, research findings, and upcoming events. If you don’t want these emails, you can unsubscribe with one click. URC will never share your contact information.

©2020 Urban Raptor Conservancy